Abstract Gold Splash Stroke





Gradient Gold Round Frame
Water Color Flower Gold Glitter pink
Gradient Gold Round Frame


Alexandra C. Rodríguez's maternal grandparents fled ​Colombia in the 1950s during the La Violencia​ massacres and settled in New York City. Having ​helped raise her, they were a source of love and ​inspiration, particularly in forming her cultural ​identity as well as her spirituality. Rodríguez has a ​Bachelor of Arts in media with a minor in psychology ​from Hofstra University and a Master of Arts in ​historical and systematic theology from St. John's ​University in Queens.

Creative Watercolor Painting

development of style

Masters in Theology

  • The Medieval Scholastics implemented a method in which ​a scholar (theologian) analyzes abstractions on the ​premise of existentialism, resulting in a writing style in ​which profound intellectual questions arise contain​ing in themselves richer answers than in any given reply.
  • Mystics, on the other hand, write evocative prose after ​discovering that analytic language fails to describe ecstat​ic states of consciousness.
  • Both t​hese theological styles greatly influence me.

Bachelor of Arts in Media and Psychology

  • I knew back in the aughts that modern society would rely o​n media to forget the concept of universal truth.
  • I’m no​t upset that I was right, but I’m not exactly happy either. M​y work is influenced by the reality of a digital (binary​) collective​.

impact / inspirations

Gold Glitter Texture

authors & lyricists

  • Sts. Hildegard von Bingen and Edith Stein
  • Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • Arthur Rimbaud & the Symbolists
  • Rosicrucians and Theosophists
  • G.K. Chesterton & Alan Watts
  • Gabriel García Márquez, Haruki Murakami & Magic Realists
  • ROSALÍA, M.I.A., Tori Amos, Damon Albarn, Trent​ Reznor
  • Ocea​n Vuong


  • Surrealists
  • Studio Ghibli
  • CLAMP (mang​aka group)
  • Lar​s von Trier
  • Hindi film​ (Bollywood)


Blue Ink and Gold Glitter
Blue Ink and Gold Glitter

knight stalker:

a short story in three parts

a death row inmate and a mischievous ​angel have a chat in prison. or ​something.

fortune’s fools

coming soon

santi’s star

to be announced